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DAL COVID-19 Update 3/24/20 Hello community! We know many people are anxious right now, and we want to share some of our confidence and sense of purpose with you by keeping you informed about our maternity and gynecology care plan for you, a…
As you are all aware, the novel coronavirus or COVID-19 has moved from an international virus to national and now local. As of March 14, 2020, New Mexico has 10 presumptive positive cases (meaning they have tested positive in NM and are awaiting ver…
by Claire Merritt, BSN, RN, DAL birth assistant Dearest parents,  You are beautiful, amazing, intelligent, creative, powerful and imperfectly and perfectly you. You have something to contribute to this world. You are the only you in t…
by Amity McElroy, Certified Doula and Childbirth Educator It’s finally here: the last few weeks of pregnancy! You’ve spent months growing and preparing for baby. You’ve taken the classes, read all the books, and the nursery is set up. Now the…
Let’s Talk about Sex… (and Condoms, Lubricants, Toys and Tools) It can be challenging to find a safe space to talk about sex outside of the bedroom (if your bedroom feels like a safe space), over a beverage with a trusted friend, or on the exam t…
When we think about PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) we often think of those who have survived severe abuse or war. We do not normally think of mothers. There are millions of women who experience birth trauma each year. It is estimated that app…
New Year-New Website! We are so excited and proud to share our new website. Thanks to the hard work of many, we believe it is a wonderful representation of Dar a Luz and what we offer. It was designed and developed by BK Design So…
I am a native of New Mexico’s beautiful sister state Colorado. After spending my formative years there I moved to Hawaii with the love of my life. As a young woman I experienced two of my life’s biggest events and all time joy’s in the rainbow state…
by Tracy Cooper, Receptionist The concept of New Year’s Resolutions can be daunting. The combination of statements like “Make this your best year ever!” and “This is the next chapter in your life!” paired with the reality that…
Simply Sing! by Susan Moore Daniels CNM, MSN There is a lot of research coming out about the importance of therapeutic applications of live music for healing in humans. From premature babies starting life in NICU to hospice care at the end of lif…