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You Want Me to get Physical Therapy on My What?!?

By Yelena Baras, CNM If you’ve had a visit with me in the clinic during or outside of pregnancy, you’ve inevitably heard me rant about how important it is to devote the proper amount of time and energy to your pelvic floor. You’ve heard me debu…

Ode to the Kids of COVID

by Robin Hayter, Lactation Consultant This one is dedicated to the children: the newborns, the toddlers, the school-aged, and all of the new graduates. Approximately 15 months ago, life as we know it ceased. COVID-19 has had an immense impa…

Vitamin D

by Stephanie Sanchez, RN, IBCLC, Birth Assistant Ahhh, good ‘ol vitamin D… the “sunshine” vitamin. Surely you’ve been nagged by someone in your life about the importance of getting enough of this essential vitamin: maybe it’s your farmer da…

4 All-Natural, At-Home Summer Activities for Kids

by Savannah Holloway, Holloway, RN, Birth Assistant What a year 2020 was! The pandemic turned everyday life upside down for everyone—adults and children alike. Many parents were faced with the challenge of home-schooling AND home-enter…

A little motherly advice, just in time for Mother’s Day!

Compiled by Corrianne Parada, CNM Mother’s Day is this Sunday, and for many of you this might be your first time celebrating as you are preparing to enter into motherhood, or are entering it yet again. On this special day, we would like to…

Packing for your birth!

by Olivia Herrera, RN, BSN Whether it’s your first baby or your third, it is never too soon to pack your bags. Babies have plans of their own and can come sooner than you think so it’s always good to be ready! After working in both a ho…

Am I in Labor? Tips on Early Labor and When to Come to Dar a Luz

by Lauren Zielenski, CNM How will I know when I’m in labor? How do I manage early labor at home? How long do I stay home? Will I be able to figure this out if I’ve never done it before? I’ve only been induced before, so will I know I’m in l…

Ways to Get Unstuck From Your Anxiety

By Erica Deerinwater I am always looking for ways to get out of unhealthy thinking and into the present. Unfortunately, I have a tendency to worry about the worst and miss the best. In my quest to do better at this in my own life, I have fo…

Life-Changing Magical Spring Cleaning

By Shelley Black, Director of Operations “It is an illusion. And, in fact, that which you have possesses you more than you possess it. The possessor finally becomes the possessed. You think you have so many things – riches, power, money – but d…

Safety of Breastmilk and Breastfeeding during COVID-19 Pandemic: A few answers to some common questions

An update from your DAL lactation team by Stephanie Sanchez, BSN, RN, IBCLC, Birth Assistant A few answers to some common questions I have tested positive for COVID-19 and/or are having symptoms and have just given birth or will soon, wi…
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