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#GivingTuesdayNow 2020


Community – This time of COVID has hit us all in different ways.  Dar a Luz has taken a financial hit.  We have also had unexpected expenses tracking down proper PPE for our staff, especially during births.  Since we are not a regular customer for N95 style masks, we were basically put at the back of the line.  As resourceful women we have found ways to secure these masks to keep both our staff and clients safe, but it comes at a cost that we have never had to budget for.  We were so happy to see that the Center for Nonprofit has set up a #GivingTuesdayNow fundraising drive for non-profits that have been hard hit.  This is similar to our November campaign, but a COVID version.  Dar a Luz has always been so grateful for our community – you all know we could not do what we do without your support.  We are humbly asking for monetary donations.  Visit our website HERE for more information and to donate.  We also have a monthly option so you can give a little each month if that works better for your budget.  Stay safe and stay healthy!  With love, Your Birth Center Staff

Even more ways to give back to Dar a Luz:

Shop Amazon Smile! We know many of you are shopping online these days. Why not have Amazon donate a percentage back to Dar a Luz while you do? Just like Amazon, but better! 

Smith’s Food & Drug donates .5% of every eligible purchase made by participants to the organization their rewards card is linked to. We receive about $75 per quarter and there is lots of room to grow our donations! We encourage you to link your rewards card to Dar a Luz Birth & Health Center. Then, the more you shop, the more we will earn! Just follow this link:

Upcoming Events

All of our birth center tours and required classes are currently being held online during the Covid 19: Stay Home Order. To view and register for classes or tours visit website calendar page  HERE

Doula teas, community partner classes and gatherings are all cancelled until further notice.

See below to find the support groups that are still available online at this time.

Baby Count

Milk Count


At this time, we can still accept milk from donors who donate to the Denver
Milk Bank. We cannot accept milk from informal donors and will not be able
to accommodate informal milk sharing.

Breastfeeding Support Group
Yes-this is still happening every Wednesday morning online from 10 a.m. until noon. We miss seeing you all in person but this is the next best thing. We are here for you! As always, free and open to everyone! Zoom Meeting ID: 978-465-266
Stress Reduction and Resiliency Building 
Join Kimberlee Boreson-Maresma and her husband Jose Maresma for a weekly class offering on stress reduction and resiliency building. This class will be offered every Friday from 11 to 11:30 a.m. for the next several weeks. A sliding scale donation ($5-$20) via Venmo @Kimberlee-Maresma 
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 388 761 169

Anxiety Support Group with Laura Wood
Worry, stress, anxiety, panic…we’ve all experienced it in some form especially right now. At best, it feels awful. At worst, it disrupts sleep, relationships, work, and happiness. This group is about education, peer support, and taking back control. Learn tools, and participate in a discussion about how your life has been affected by stress and anxiety, and how you’re healing as we go. Meets every 4th Saturday unless noted, 4-6 pm, online. $10/person (get in touch if this is a hardship). Open to all. RSVP HERE

Mindful Fathers Workshop
Please join Jose Maresma for an evening of emotionally safe exploration of the differences partners face after the birth of a new baby. Jose will lead a 2 hour discussion/dialogue for partners. Held online the 4th Thursday of every even month. Suggested donation: $10-20. This group will be held online, please register HERE

Postpartum Support Group
Share your story, or your daily struggles, or just hang out with other new moms. Every level of experience welcome, and this group is open to the community too — so let others know! Held online the first Friday of every month. 
There is a suggested sliding cash donation scale of $10-$20
Led by licensed therapist, Kimberlee Maresma, LPCC. Register HERE

Name: Lars 
Birthdate: February 12th
Fun Fact:  Lars’s big sisters love to pick his clothes out for the day.
You can have your baby featured by emailing usHERE a picture of your cutie and we’ll put them in a newsletter! Please include permission to use the image, your little one’s first name, date of birth, and a fun fact.

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