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Welcome Krystal and Kona


We are so pleased to introduce our two newest staff members. Krystal Davis, our newest Birth Assistant and Nakonah Secatero, our Administrative Coordinator. We know you are going to love them as much as we do!

I grew up in Flagstaff, AZ, a place in Arizona where it snows. I spent the later part of my childhood with my dad who always made us spend time outside, eat our vegetables and drink tea whenever we were sick. So much tea! After several years of working in healthcare in multiple roles I decided to go to nursing school. After school I moved to Albuquerque with my husband, we had a 5-year plan (it has now been 6 and we are not going anywhere). While I loved working as a nurse, I felt like I didn’t have a “why” and felt myself losing passion for myself and the people I was there to care for. Flash forward, I had my first child at Dar A Luz and suddenly knew that birth work is what I wanted to do as a nurse. I wanted to be there for women in the same way that the Dar A Luz community and team was for me during pregnancy and birth. I wanted to be in a setting where pregnancy and birth were viewed as a normal process and where people are empowered and supported. 

I am elated to be here and I look forward to being part of such an amazing community and many beautiful birth stories. 

My husband and I now have 2 boys who continue to teach us things about ourselves, the world and make us laugh so much. When not working you can find me playing garbage trucks with the boys (there is nothing cooler than a garbage truck), working on hand embroidery, playing board games with friends and being outside. 

Krystal Davis, RN/Birth Assistant

Yá’át’ééh, Shí éí Nakonah Secatero yinishyé. Kinyaa’áanii nishłį́, Tábąąhá bashishchiin, Nóóda’í dine’é dashicheii, Naakai dine’é dashinalí. 

Hello, my name is Nakonah Secatero. I am of the Towering House clan, I am born for the Water’s Edge clan, my maternal grandfather is of the Ute People clan, and my paternal grandfather is of the Mexican people clan. 

I was born in Albuquerque and raised most of my life in To’Hajiilee, a small Navajo reservation.  In 2012 I graduated Valedictorian from our community school and started work in our Behavioral Health System, assisting our Suicide Prevention Program. As soon as I moved to Albuquerque, I was fortunate enough to join the Dar a Luz family in late July 2021 as the Administrative Coordinator. 

Being an only child, I grew up always having this curiosity of child birth, my mother would tell me the story of how her water broke. She was 9 months pregnant helping at a ceremony, while crouched near the fire pouring coffee for the elders, she lost her balance and fell backwards, landing on her bottom. Immediately the grandmothers gathered to help her, and she realized her water broke. One of the grandmothers hurried to my father, who was chopping firewood nearby to tell him “It’s time.”  My mother had a natural birth at a hospital and always wished she had a different setting, but always loved to tell me the story. 

Mother figures in my life have always been guiding with grace, understanding, and humor, sharing their birth and life stories. I have yet to experience that season in my life, however I look forward to it. Until then, it’s been a privilege to work beside a wonderful group of women dedicated to women’s health, empowerment and families. The women here at Dar a Luz continue to juggle the chaos of life, work, family and motherhood with ease and strength.

Kona Secatero, Administrative Coordinator

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