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Thank you for helping us #SaveDaraLuz in 2023!!!


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Dear Dar a Luz Community,

We wanted to tell you some amazing news: together, we’ve saved Dar a Luz!

Some of you might remember from our community letter published back in June 2023, that we had a projected deficit of $300K this year with a risk of closure in December of 2024 if we couldn’t close the gap. Thanks to all of the generous contributions in 2023, we have raised just over $200K since June 2023. That’s more than $30K/month from individuals and foundations. Each $1,000 raised allowed us to keep our doors open one more day. We want you to know that as a result of YOUR contributions, we can safely say that we will NOT be closing at the end of 2024.

With that said, we still have a ways to go until we can consider ourselves a sustainable organization. What does sustainability mean to us and what are all of the ways that we are working towards this goal?

  • Re-negotiating our contracts with major insurance companies for equitable reimbursements for our services. We have signed several new contracts and are in the process of negotiating the rest. Based on the new rates negotiated with our private payers and increases to Medicaid, we should be able to prevent a similar deficit in 2024.
  • Aiming for equitable pay for our staff. At this time, our midwives and nurses who work 24 hr call shifts several times a week are significantly underpaid when compared to both out-of-hospital providers across the country and hospital providers in NM. Throughout this year, not a single staff member has left despite our precarious financial situation and they continue to be dedicated to the mission of Dar a Luz. However, going forward, in order to retain our amazing staff we need to be able to offer them fair and competitive compensation for their hard work.
  • Establishing new revenue streams in 2024 including ultrasound & behavioral health. Our midwives have already had basic training in these additional skills, but we will need continued training and new equipment to be able to offer them safely in-house.
  • Taking our fundraising to the next level by hiring a Development Director. Our current staff cannot continue to do development at this pace while also maintaining the level of excellence that we provide in our clinical work. In order to support us in stewarding new connections, applying for grants, and hosting fundraising events, we need a person who is dedicated to this specific work. Look out for a posting for this position in case you know someone who would be a great fit for our organization!
  • Launching the 2024 Capital Campaign. This campaign will be geared towards buying our property and breaking ground on a new building that will house our expanded services by the end of 2024.

In order to move forward with our plans for 2024, we still need to raise $100K in contributions and pledges. In your end-of-year giving, we kindly ask that you consider giving to our cause. Support us on our continued journey towards sustainability! Now that we have been saved and not at risk of closing next year, help us thrive.

Click here to donate! Remember there are many ways that you can contribute listed below:

  • Credit Card
  • Venmo (@daraluzbirthcenter; please add your email & mailing address in the memo field)
  • PayPal (; please add your email & mailing address in the memo field)
  • Cash or Checks. Please make checks payable to: Dar a Luz Birth & Health Center, 7708 4th Street NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107
  • Stock or bond transfer, or charitable gift annuity (download this PDF)
  • Donor-advised fund gift
  • United Way designation through your employer

With gratitude, Dar a Luz Board and Staff

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