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Special Announcement!



You may remember that last year the Anderson Charitable Foundation chose Dar a Luz as the recipient of a $15K challenge grant. With your support and generosity, we were able to fully match that and more!

We have once again been selected as the recipient of a $15k challenge grant. This means that we have to raise $15,000 from our community and contributors, find foundation(s), and/or corporation(s) that will match this grant in order to receive it. With GivingTuesday 2024 coming up on December 3rd, we think this is the perfect opportunity to challenge our community to help us raise $15,000 and more to support Dar a Luz and to expand access to midwifery care across NM. #DALgiftsforgrowth

You can donate directly HERE or scroll down to see how you can contribute to our 2024 GivingTuesday campaign!

All our gratitude,

The Dar a Luz team

2024 GivingTuesday is December 3rd!

GivingTuesday was created as a simple idea: a day that encourages people to do good. It is a movement that unleashes the power of radical generosity around the world. GivingTuesday reimagines a world built upon shared humanity and generosity.

We are excited to announce that this year, we will have an option for YOU to become a fundraiser for DaL through a Peer-to Peer-fundraising campaign to support our work for 2024 GivingTuesday. By becoming a fundraiser for Dar a Luz Birth & Health Center, you will help more New Mexican children and families, and you’ll help your friends feel good about doing good. #DALgiftsforgrowth

Click the button below to create your fundraising page TODAY – you don’t need to wait until December 3rd!

United Way Annual Giving Campaign

The annual United Way giving campaigns have begun across NM and we invite you to consider making your contribution to Dar a Luz Birth & Health Center this year. Many of our families work for organizations such as Sandia National Labs, Presbyterian, UNM, PNM, Bank of Albuquerque, and others who can contribute to Dar a Luz through payroll deductions via United Way. We are proud to announce that since 2014, Dar a Luz has received nearly $50,000 through the United Way giving campaigns. We are so grateful for these contributions and the way they demonstrate a deep commitment to the work DaL does!

To make your contribution, please fill out the paperwork provided by your employer through United Way.

Other Ways to Donate to DAL!

  • ACH Bank Transfer
  • PayPal (Please add your email & mailing address in the memo field)
  • Stock or bond transfer, or charitable gift annuity (use this pdf)
  • Donor-advised fund gift
  • Cash or Check (info below)

Please make checks payable to:
Dar a Luz Birth & Health Center
7708 4th Street NW, Los Ranchos, NM 87107

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