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August 21, 2023


What’s our goal: $30K in Days!

What’s our timeline: August 21- September 20, 2023

What’s our pledge: Our entire board and staff (24 people) have pledged and committed to contribute $15,000 total! Our own people are stretching: like I always say, #LeadByExample. And goodness gracious, we are leading the way. 

What’s the challenge: So now we are asking our community to match us dollar for dollar for a total of $30K in 30 days! Can you contribute to this challenge today?

Do you have people who want to contribute as well? Share THIS LINK on Facebook!

What’s next: Does your company match your donations? We are looking for local companies, entities, organizations and/or foundations that would be interested in a future match (or they can match you for this campaign!). Maybe you have a lead to share with us…you can respond to this email with any information that you have. 

Thank you again for your continued support for birth choices in New Mexico!

In gratitude-
Abigail, Staff & Board

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